Sunday, November 16, 2008

Welcome to Orange Peel Mouth

First things first. Matthew Maxwell thought of the name. I know it's a strange name for a LOST blog, but considering the other ideas we were throwing around (LOSTramento, LOST in Sac, HeckaLOST, The Tower Theatre Is My Constant, and Give Me Back My Blog!) I decided it was the best. And once you see that title image up there, it should be obvious as to where the name came from. Plus, when brevity is called for, O-P-M sounds like "opium", which is pretty cool, right? Right.

So what's the deal with this Blog? Well, let me answer that question with another question. What's the best thing about LOST? No, it's not the intricate, intertwining storylines of well developed characters, spanning past, present and future. No, it's not the mythology surrounding the mysterious island, with it's smoke monsters, exploding and imploding hatches and four-toed statues. And believe it or not, it's not that one time when Sun was mad at Jin and wore a bikini. Isn't it obvious? The best thing about LOST is talking about it the day after with me and Matt Maxwell at the Tower Theater (or possibly your other friends at a different location).

Hopefully this blog will reflect that; a casual discussion amongst like-minded people. Mainly people I know. You know, people that I hang out with on a regular basis, have worked at Tower Theatre at some point in their life, (no Cresties, please), or have less than two degrees of seperation from Rock the Light. Not to say anyone else is unwelcome, I just can't imagine anyone else being interested. It will probably be silly, it might get deep, and it will probably get downright ridiculous, but at least it will be fun. No pretension, no put downs. and of course, no spoilers. Unless you didn't watch last night's episode. In which case you should know better than to talk to me the day after a new episode of LOST has aired.

I'm going to try to give a brief overview of each new episode (beginning with the start of season 5, which premieres Wednesday, January 21, 2009 at 9pm) which may or may not include some really lame commentary, thoughts or theories (you've been warned.) I'm not very good at thinking of something to blog about every day, so if you're interested in contributing anything, let me know and I'll give you authorship permission. Other than that, I'm kind of counting on people's comments to keep this thing going.


Anonymous said...

oh you're so gonna regret sayin' "no Cresties, please"

Ben Steinert said...

I don't know if that dude Loren still works at the Crest, but he's a hell of guy.

Maybe one day I'll work part time at Tower. It seems like way more of an interesting and casual environment than some stifling office.

Cody said...

It is interesting and casual. It's also kind of like working on a sinking ship. But instead of working, you're sittng around talking about LOST.

Anonymous said...

Loren still works at the Crest! Working at the Crest is like working on a sailing ship...

lil' maxwell said...

"I'm going to try to give a brief overview of each new episode (beginning with the start of season 4, which premieres Wednesday, January 21, 2009 at 9pm)"

you mean season 5.

Cody said...

Thanks, Matt. Fixed.

Dylan Thomas B. said...

As a Lost fan from the beginning, and a Tower fan since July, I can say with much certainty that talking about Lost is the only thing that makes these long breaks bearable.

A friend of mine recently finished season 3. I was so excited to talk to her about it, that for a short while, I forgot that I still had 3 months to go.

I probably would have given up on Lost after season 2 if I had not learned that Matt watched the show. I found that someone else understood and was as excited about it as I was. "You mean that other people check Lostpedia everyday?!!? AWESOME!!!"

God, I love Lost.

DB said...

You could have called "Now, why would I create a "Lost" blog?". It's catchy. Incidentally, the best thing about "Lost" IS the time that Sun got mad at Jin and wore a bikini. Either that, or any time that Kate gets caught in the rain.

Cody said...

I tried that, but the quotation marks wouldn't work.

Listen DB, I was hoping we could be blog friends, but with a comment like that, I have to assume you're looking for a rivalry. I understand. You're a man of science, I'm a man of faith. But if we don't learn to live together...we're going to die alone.

DB said...

I am a man of science, one of the top specialists in the field of Kate's-butt-in-jeansology.