Monday, September 24, 2018

Season 1: Episode 3 "Tabula Rasa"

We're all starting with a blank slate in some ways, as we re-watch LOST.  Coincidentally, this is what this week's episode is about!  "Tabula Rasa" happens to mean blank slate in Latin.  

Let's dive in!  This week's guest is:

Matt White!

Listen to the episode here:

Notable Notes:

Kate's mugshot

This amazing scene from Wayne's World.

LOST Drinking Game:

Drink when you see or hear:

1. Jack face

2. Hurley say "Dude"

3. Sawyer says "sonofabitch" or give a nickname

4. Michael says "Walt" or "Man"

and for later on
 5. Ben Linus gets hit or punched (one episode only - use with caution!)

6. Bernard is useless

Our closing song:
Joe Purdy's "Wash Away (Reprise)"

Hosts: Cody Scott and Madeline Sabatoni
Guest: Matt White
Editor: Matthew Maxwell
Original Music by the Constants

Let's talk about those flashbacks in the comments!  

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Season 1: Episode 2 "Pilot Part 2"

And we're back!  In episode 2 of Orange Peel Mouth, guest Natalie Head joins us to talk about about the "Pilot Part 2".

Listen to the episode here:

Or subscribe on iTunes!

Notable Notes:

Interview with Evangeline Lilly regarding feeling forced to do scenes where she had to undress and wasn't comfortable.

Pluggers Wikipedia - everything you need to know about Pluggers!

Guest links:
Natalie Head -

Plugging Along:  A Pluggers Blog

Hosts: Cody and Madeline
Editor: Matthew Maxwell

Original Music: The Constants

We're two episodes in... where do we go from here?!

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Season 1: Episode 1 "Pilot Part 1"

We've talked about re-watching LOST, but now it's time to get down to business!    In Episode 1 of Orange Peel Mouth, we discuss the episode "Pilot Part 1" with our guest, Dylan Barnes!

Take a listen to the episode here:

You can also find us on iTunes!  Be sure to subscribe!

And now a few notable notes from this famed Pilot!

The turbine guy!  Visit Lostpedia to see a cool photo of this stunt in action.

We were going to post a photo of a dural sac to show if it does or doesn't look like angel hair pasta, but you all have google so... we'll leave that up to you.  Also, let's see if we all remember this story, because it's not the last time a dural sac is mentioned on LOST.

Some links from our guest!  Dylan is in the band Knock Knock!  Check them out on Facebook and on Spotify and Apple Music. Dylan is also a member of the Constants!  Thanks for joining us Dylan!

Oh, and remember Dylan's call to action! Record those "You All Everybody" covers and send them our way!

Hosts: Cody and Madeline
Editor: Matthew Maxwell
Original Music: The Constants

What are your thoughts on the Pilot (Part 1)?  Are you ready to go back?