Friday, October 26, 2018

Season 1: Episode 6 "House of the Rising Sun"

Let's get personal with Sun and Jin and this week's guest, Sam Garcia!

Listen to the episode here:

And be sure to subscribe on iTunes!

Notable Notes:

Sam recommends following on Instagram:

ShiShiRose  You can also check out her website at

Layla Saad You can check out her website at  The website is currently closed for maintenance, but you can still check out old blog posts and podcasts.

Hosts:  Cody and Madeline
Guest: Sam Garcia
Airplanes Expert: Jon Vickner
Editor: Matthew Maxwell

Monday, October 8, 2018

Season 1: Episode 5 "White Rabbit"

It's time to do a deep dive into Jack's hero complex with episode 5 "White Rabbit".  We let our Editor, Matthew Maxwell, jump behind the mic and join us down the rabbit hole.

Listen to the episode here:

Notable Notes:

Did you think it was a dinosaur when you first watched?

Here's Charlie's tattoo:

LOST book recommendations!

Tell us what you think Boone's Business is in the comments!

Guest Plugs:

Check out Matthew's professional website Matt Maxwell Video

Hosts: Cody and Madeline
Guest: Matthew Maxwell
Editor: Matthew Maxwell

Monday, October 1, 2018

Season 1: Episode 4 "Walkabout"

Let's take a walk into the next episode "Walkabout"!  We were joined by Al Maxwell to talk all things John Locke.

Listen to the episode here:

Don't forget to subscribe!

We'd also like to introduce you to our newest expert: 

Pilot Jon Vickner!

Here's Jon explaining airplanes to us via Skype.

Notable notes:

The actor who plays Randy is Billy Ray Gallion

A little info about Lost's misidentification of Norman Croucher:

In "Walkabout", the fourth episode of the American TV series LostJohn Locke incorrectly identifies Croucher as having climbed Mt Everest, a feat later accomplished by New Zealand mountaineer and double amputee Mark Inglis.
(Wikipedia, Norman Croucher)

A close up of Locke's scar:

Guest Plugs:
Listen to Knock Knock on Spotify and follow them on Facebook!
Follow Blizzard of Al on Facebook!

Hosts: Cody and Madeline
Guest: Al Maxwell
Airplanes Expert: Jon Vickner
Editor: Matthew Maxwell
Original Music by the Constants