Monday, January 4, 2010

So It Begins.

My good buddy Ryan sent me this picture via Wikipedia. Pretty awesome, but for the life of me I can't find a higher quality version anywhere. (UPDATE: bigger version here) Who is that mystery woman on the far left? Ryan says it's Ilana, and I believe him. They don't call him Reliable for nothin'.


yolkie said...

There is so much about Season 5 that I think is bullshit. It's gimmicky and I feel like they are catering to the audience and dumbing down a lot of the content for what they think the audience wants/needs.

I finally re-watched the season and my anger has subsided. A lot of shit happens in season 5, yet none of it matters. There is completely a blank slate now to do whatever they decide.

The possibilities are very exciting, but once I know the answers I won't care anymore. All I want is for my mind to be blown one more time.

Cody said...

Yolkie, you're the Yolkiest!

Dylan Thomas B. said...

You know Battlestar did the whole Last Supper thing, too. This one would be cooler that BSG's if it weren't for the low quality photoshop job.

Cody said...

YUeah, after I posted that Madeline and I had a short conversation as to whether it's legit or not. It seems a little to photoshoppy to be real, but also a little too complete and thought out to be a hack job. Who knows. Battlestar's was a lot more pro, that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

Cody said...

nice! Thanks anonymous!

Dylan Thomas B. said...

I like that most of them chose Dharma beer over Dharma wine.

Cody said...

It looks like the only bottle of Dharma wine is between Jin and Hurley. I wonder if that symbolizes something?

yolkie said...

I meant to make my post more positive. I actually think season 5 was kind of rad, with the exception of some serious miscalculations.

Eryn said...

There have to be secret messages hidden in that last supper photo.. I will spend the next month or so carefully examining it and researching Da Vinci lore.

No, not really.

Charles Albright said...

We just started rewatching 4 and I am underwhelmed.

By the way, Stine and I are mid-season 2 in Battle Star. Now thats a show!


Anonymous said...

I know - I really need to start watching Battlestar. Gonna have to borrow those from Matthew!

Charles Albright said...

Wait, Mathew has them! F.U. netflix.


Dylan Thomas B. said...

BSG's easily my second favorite show. Its prequel series, Caprica, starts next month!

lil' maxwell said...

it's called the internet. you can all stream them.

nortagemdar said...

BSG is very amazing. As is Caprica. Also, I figured out the hidden subtext to the lostsupper:

beckler said...

fuck this bsg blather! take it to the bsg blog nerds!

Anonymous said...

omg, nortagemdar:

I'm laughing so hard I'm crying.

Charles Albright said...

"it's called the internet. you can all stream them."

What? You BSG Dvd's are the internet? Fucking Cylons.


nortagemdar said...

madewell: I can't get enough of that Nic Cage blog and when OPM popped up with that LOSTSupper I had to post it. I do note that the positions of the characters are different in the photoshopped photo, though they're all facing the camera. WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN?

Charles: *What? Your BSG Dvd's are the internet? Frakking Cylons.*