Monday, April 20, 2009

Ben's Your Parent of Choice

As much as Cody hates to admit it, Ben is a better parent then Kate. Well, at least that's what the readers of OPM have said. 55% (22) think Ben is a better parent. 45% (18) would rather have Kate lose you in a grocery store.

Thanks for voting!


The Armeniac said...

OPM readers. why hast thou forsaken Kate!?! Forgive them Jacob, for they know what they do.

Charles Albright said...

Kate Hater = Kater.

All you Katers out there need to suck it! I agree the writers have done some serious water treading and then wrong turning with her character, but there is no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater! They can still turn her around. They got ride of Old "juice box", right? That has to make her character at least 50% less annoying.


Eryn said...

Can we say we were served "Kater-ade?"

whomp, whaaa...

Anonymous said...

oh ana lucia...