Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Candidate

Holy crap. Most suspenseful episode ever. Poor Sun and Jin. Do you think Jin's dead for good this time, Biz and Al? It wasn't that sad when they (probably) died, but totally sad when Hugo started crying. Good to see Dr. Nadler, and it's kind of nice to see Anthony Cooper, especially in a vegetative state, even though he might not have deserved it in that reality. And Smokey Locke sure is a rat, huh? Alright, I gotta go recouperate from all that intensity.


Anonymous said...

what an ep!

I can't believe that Sun and Jin's torrid love affair has come to such a tragic conclusion. Ok, I totally can.

So, is Locke heading off to find Desmond?

Are the four candidates left:


lil' maxwell said...

here's a question. Did Sawyer pull the cord (resulting in three deaths) because he didn't believe Jack? Or did he pull because even if he believed Jack, he still believed that Kate would die?

lil' maxwell said...

wait a minute... did Lapidus die? I can't remember...

Dylan Thomas B. said...

What the hell just happened? Oh my god. Everybody fucking died. I always knew it would take a direct explosion to kill Sayid. But. I mean. Jesus Christ. I haven't heard that music in a while. You know, the death music. So, it's Jack, Hurley, and Sawyer. I'm totally right, you know. Jack is the new Jacob. Sawyer is the new Smokey. And Hurley is the new Richard Alpert. It'll happen.

Dylan Thomas B. said...

Also, how awesome was it when Kate got shot?

Cody said...

Yeah, we all totally cheered when Kate got shot.

I think Sawyer tried to disarm the bomb because he didn't believe Jack. Jack doesn't have the best reputation with bombs, ya know?

How messed up is it that they left Claire again?

And I'm callin' it: Sayid isn't dead. And I'm not convinced Lapidus is dead either. But Sayid definitely isn't.

lil' maxwell said...

too bad Kate can't die because she's secretly a canadite.

nortagemdar said...

I think Claire might be the new Man in Black. She's been ditched one too many times And Kate, despite her name being crossed off, will be the new Jacob. She came back with good intentions of reuniting Claire with her babay. Wait... was Kate's name in the lighthouse, too? Because maybe Jacob maybe tried to pull a fast one over on Smocke by crossing her name out in the cave.

Amazing episode. I was super amped the entire time.

Cody said...

Okay, here's something that I've kind of talked about with people:

Jack didn't die on the Black Rock when Richard had the dynamite.

Michael didn't die when he tried to kill himself.

Mikail lived through multiple things that should've killed him.

Is the same force responsible for all of this? It's said that Michael can't die, because the Island isn't through with him. Who knows about Mikail. Do you think Jack's "invincibility" is different, because he's a candidate, or that the Island simply isn't done with him either? OR is there a possibility that Mikail and Michael were at one time candidates as well?

nortagemdar said...

Hmm... ok, so Jack and Kate were engaged, right? Did they get married? Did it say? Is it at least possible? Maybe Kate is a Shephard?

Word Verification: prance

nortagemdar said...

Kodiak - I think they were candidates at one time. Just not in with this group. I think it's like Smocke and Jacob just draft new teams once in a while. But who knows.

The Armeniac said...

Here's a sweet song about being a candidate.


Anonymous said...

Why was Nard-Dog acting so creepy? Does he know what's up?


The Armeniac said...

Nard-Dog!! Love it!! Are he and Rose alive on the Island?

Dylan Thomas B. said...

Has anybody else ever noticed that there are barely any hugs on the island? Kate, Jack, and Hurley are all sobbing, but there are no hugs. What's up with that?

Ben Steinert said...

Sayid went out with a bang.
had to say it.

Cody, I think this time Sayid is actually dead. Typically if Lost doesn't "present a corpse" the character is a fair game for maybe still being alive. However, for them to prove the death in this instance would involve showing bits of Sayid splattering the submarine walls like some kind of morbid Jackson Pollock piece. And last time I checked Paul Verhoeven does not direct Lost.

Also, how come nobody has called him "The Loke Monster"? ...'cause he's loco. ...well, I think it's funny.

Dillon said...

I'm pretty sure Hurley was saying "dude" while crying.

The Armeniac said...

God I wish Verhoeven would direct an episode!!