Good ol' Hurley. Even if his flash sideways was a bit "filler-y", it was still pretty great. 'Cause seriously...every one loves Hugo. Right? Plus the on-Island timeline was pretty awesome. The return of the whispers, who turn out to be those who can't move on, like Michael. So perhaps the Island is kind of hell or purgatory, but not only those things. I don't know. And how awesome was is when Ilana exploded, Arzt style? I totally saw it coming, but was still somehow surprised when it actually did. Awesome stuff. That paired with Desmond running down wheel-chair bound Locke made for some of the best "oh shit" moments of the season.
I have to say, when Desmond ran down Locke it was just sort of gratifying.
So does Des know he was pushed down a well? And, btw, I totally saw THAT coming.
Maybe Vincent will show up and lead everyone to Desmond, lassie style.
I thought the episode was stupid. until Desmond ran down Locke. That has to be one of the bigger "oh shit" moments on Lost for sure. I liked the beginning. Liked the end. Didn't like the in between. I have this theory that seems to keep playing out, but I now have a theory for how the whole thing is going to end, and I don't know if I like it. It ends underwater with Danny Elfman music. In any case.... I called Ben and Locke being brothers during 4th season finale. I don't think this will happen, but I'm calling it again just in case.
Well, this episode supported my vague thought from a couple of episodes back that Hugo is going to be the one to stay on the island; now all we need is for him to see Ghost Libby to further support it. Did you guys see how they had a picture of Hugo holding Jorge's real life pup, Nu-Nu (sp?)? Puppy love! Desmond's hair was looking very good for having been shocked into a flash-sideways and back.
Madeline needs to dust her TV room a little better. my allergies really started acting up around the time when Hugo remembered Libby from the island.
Gabba, I also hear you missed the very end of the episode. You know, the awesome part. That's what happens when you abandon Lost night with the Scotts.
I have been waiting for Llana to be killed off the show ever since appeared on Lost. Thank god.
So, this episode was pretty rad. I like that they finally killed off someone. I mean, all the temple people died, but they don't count. Hopefully, more deaths are to come. Also, since there was so much dynamite in the bag, shouldn't the explosion have been a little bigger? She should have had Jack hold on to the dynamite. It never would have gone off in his possession.
Yeah, for some reason I've had more beef with the dynamite thing than anything else this season. I try super hard not to be one of those "that's so fake" people. But seriously. They could've ignited the fuel tanks. They could've went for the grenades in the Dharma barracks BEFORE they 140+ year old dynamite. Heck, they probably could've gone into the cockpit with some sticks and rocks and done enough damage to keep that plane from taking off. Then again, who am I to complain. Even though I wished her no iii-will, Ilana blowing up was pretty awesome.
My thought process was along the lines of, "Oh man, those aren't wrapped. Oh man, she just dropped the bag on the ground. Oh man, she just threw the bag onto her shoulder. Oh man, she better not toss that water bottle - HOLY SHIT! THAT WAS AWESOME!" The whole time it seemed to obvious to happen yet I was simply delighted when it did.
Maybe Desmond is now somehow conscious of BOTH timelines at once... tell me I'm wrong!
Amber, your right!!! Desmond and Eloise, maybe Widmore seem to know both timelines.
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