Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Caption Contest


Anonymous said...

is that a Coors?


yolkie said...

I'm wracking my brain for Party of Five joke, but I just don't remember much about it.

Cody said...

"Dude, me and Sayid found a bus full of Dharma beer in the jungle and we got WAAASSSTED. Look at this bitch, he can hardly stand up on his own. I was totally crushing HELLA cans on my head and shit. Then we got jumped by some of those Other bros and we totally almost kicked their ass. Uh, so, where's Kate?"

beckler said...

wow, that makes foxy look like way more fun than I would have guessed.

nortagemdar said...

I wish I could leave an audio comment because an impression is the only way I can do a caption for this beauty of a pic.

The Armeniac said...

" Dude! Jerry Day was frikin' awesome man! Melvin Seals ruled!"

PS: Cosy needs an award for his caption, it was amazing!

Charles Albright said...

"...I get knocked down... I get up again...nothings gonna keep sayid down..."


nortagemdar said...

I get knocked prone, I roll a saving throw, DM's never gonna knock me prone.

Sorry. That was almost solely for Kodiak's benefit.

A.L. said...

This is late. But I just remembered this blog. And my response is this.
